PassPort is a password manager for plugin LabTech that leverages several applications to query Windows systems for passwords saved in Web Browsers, Instant Messengers, Network (VPN) and Dialup accounts and local email accounts and imports the information back into the LabTech database. You can then access this information inside of LabTech under the computer console on each PC… Continue reading
Go Postal Microsoft Exchange Report Manager
Go Postal is a Microsoft Exchange 2007, 2010 and 2013 reporting plugin for LabTech that uses Powershell to generate reports on each Exchange server being managed by the LabTech RMM platform. The plugin searches all systems for Exchange server software… Continue reading
Net Detective is a plugin for LabTech that brings the power of TCPDump and NMAP to the LabTech console. You can use this tool to capture network packets traveling around the remote network or scan addresses and address ranges for open ports and network connectivity.
Become a Net Detective!
GhostFile plugin for Labtech is a Host file manager that allows a Tech to add, update or delete host file entries from within LabTech. The client console will allow management of 1, many or all systems under the client from a single interface. The plugin will write a new host file to the systems and send a… Continue reading
RegHog is a Windows registry search plugin for the LabTech RMM platform. The tool allow you to search the Windows registry of a single computer or across the entire client. The plugin provides different search query options to help you better define and refine your search for the best results returned. The results are… Continue reading
“Rooting out the Truffles in a dirty filing system”
FileHog is a file stating tool that collects file names and paths for all files that meet the search criteria provided.
File Hog allows you to configure search parameters and search drives and folders for files that match filters, attributes, file dates
Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows (like apt-get or yum but for Windows). It was designed to be a decentralized framework for quickly installing applications and tools that you need. It is built on the NuGet infrastructure currently using PowerShell as its focus for delivering packages from the distros to your door, err computer.
Chocolatey for LabTech is a… Continue reading
Flu Shot
It’s the art of avoiding being sick by pricking yourself regularly in the hopes that you may dodge a bullet!
The plugin on the other hand,
In comes “Flu Shot” for LabTech, A no install AV and Malware scanner using the Emsisoft Command line Scanner – Version 9.0 to scan a PC on a set schedule and to clean… Continue reading
Squidwork’s garage is launching another neat plugin that fetches the browsing history from 4 major browsers available on Windows systems. SurfLog collects the browser history for Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari browsers and stores that data inside the LabTech database. The plugin in version 1.0 reads the last 30 days of logs and displays them on the computer console… Continue reading
Squidworks Office365 UM Evolves
“New Flash we are now at version 1.8.6 and have added many great features since the writing of this blog, come check out all the new stuff when your done reading.”
Today Version is launching, the 7th release of the first plugin in Labtech to manage Office 365 in the cloud.
 … Continue reading