In most MSPs, Linux is a small if any footprint in their overall service offerings and this is reflected in the support given to these systems within the RMM tools they use. MSPs often pass on managing Linux agents as the RMM tool they have available to them does not lend itself to managing Linux patching and updates.
Demand… Continue reading
If you want a quick way to keep your linux system up to current time then just pop in our little script and your stay on time.
You can also use the following script to run every hour from your cronjob or create a file and copy the following to it. Place file in /etc/cron.hourly
#Quick script to update time and push time to hardware clock
#Created Continue reading
Hobbit / XYMON does not compile on CentOS 5 and complains about clock_gettime issues.
Here is how to fix this issue.
Download Hobbit-4.2.3.tar.gz
#1 make sure pcre-devel is installed (#~yum install pcre-devel)
#2 add xymon user (#~useradd xymon)
#3 set varible for “ltr” (#~LIBRTDEF=-lrt)
#4 export varible (#~export LIBRTDEF)
#5 Configure Hobbit inside hobbit src directory (#~./configure –client)
#6 Compile program (#~make)
#7 Install program (#~make install)
#8 Start Continue reading
Howto install imagemagick and PHP imagick extension on Linux CentOS 5 LAMP server. It is pretty simple really
yum install ImageMagick.i386
yum install ImageMagick-devel.i386
pecl install imagick
After the installation, create an inclusion file in your /etc/php.d directory for module and then restart apache daemon:
echo “” > /etc/php.d/imagick.ini
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Test the loading of the module by running:
php -m | grep imagick
I have had a few guys ask me, Shannon I have a Windows guy developing web aps in PHP but I run them on a Linux (LAMP) system. Some times the code seems to fail and I find the files populated with Carrage Return Line Feed or better seen while looking at a windows file on a linux system in a text editor ( ^M ). This has been know Continue reading
Yes, I know CentOS 5 does not come with a repository that holds valid redhat style rpm’s for rrdtool. So here is how we fix that. We are going to echo to a new file the repo information you will need to allow yum to install rrdtool.
We create a file called dag.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ by running the echo cmd below. Just copy and past it in to your putty Continue reading