iTunes 10 Fails to Backup iPhone or log in to iTunes Account

This week I was presented with a new problem.  A user was unable to back up her iPhone, log onto her iTunes account. Or run any updates on the device. Very frustrating for the user.  To top it off, every time her computer booted up, she received the following error:  “The procedure entry point sqlite3_dll wal checkpoint could not… Continue reading

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So your IPhone is not getting Exchange email after setting up your account and it verifying the account during the setup?

Here is what may be going on.

The ‘Cannot Get Mail.  The connection to the server failed’ error may be the cause of a simple mis-configuration in the Microsoft Active Directory services for that user. To see if it is this issue you will need to open the… Continue reading

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Synchronization with your iPhone failed for 1 items.
The following items couldn’t be sent to your mobile phone. They haven’t been deleted. You should be able to access them using either Outlook or Outlook Web App.
        Item Folder:       Inbox
        Item Type:       IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos
        Item Created:       1/11/2010 2:34:18 p.m.
        Item Subject:       Accepted: MyMeetingTest
This problem may occurs when the Accepted: or Declined: email that come back

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JailBreaking Iphone 3.1.3 on Windows XP

If your using the new Spirit.exe on windows you may get a error or 2. Not a big issue at all. Here is how to fix the 2 most common errors

You may get the error code displayed by Spirit  “error code: c0000138″

To solve the problem, copy the file c:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\libeay32.dl

 to c:\Windows\System32\

Then run Continue reading

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