Plugins4LabTech is having a contest and they are giving away a subscription to Surflog to 1 lucky participant. All they want is your honest opinions on the plugins you use. If you think your MSP will benefit from a free year of Surflog then go visit and post your reviews.
 … Continue reading
Alert on Failure is now on sourceforge. They registered as part of the process to bring the VMware version of AlertOnFailure appliance to the public.
You can find then at..
and also always at
XYmon / Hobbit / BBWin monitoring and alerting server with audio / visual alerting and web UI display and management. Perfect for the network manager who has everything Continue reading
[caption id="attachment_157" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="Free website thumbnail generator"][/caption]
Squidworks is launching a new web service that provides free website thumbnails and image hosting. The free service allows the user to submit a website url to the thumbnail generator, the generator will go and create a thumbnail image of the website as seen in a Firefox browser. The Continue reading