[LabTech] IPBlock Windows Firewall plugin.

On June 12, 2014, in How-to, Projects, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Block entire countries from seeing your PC on the Internet


Squidwork’s garage has released version 1 of their new IPBlock for Labtech RMM. IPBlock is a Country based Network Firewall plugin for Windows based systems. When deployed you can select different countries you do not want to have access to your IP address for any Windows Vista / 7 / 2008 or new system and block them from… Continue reading

[How-to] PFSense OpenVPN Site-to-Site with (DHCP) Dynamic Internet Address

On January 7, 2014, in How-to, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Setting up an OpenVPN site to site connection when one side is using DHCP to acquire an Internet IP Address in 5 minutes or less.


Here is the 5 minutes How-to on setting up 2 PFSense devices with a site to site VPN. For this example I will be using 2 Netgate m1n1wall systems that utilizes PC Engines ALIX 2D13 network boards with 3 LANs. Both are connected… Continue reading

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I just recently ordered a new Netgate FW-7541 for our COLO that I will be using in a fail over setup. The Netgate nanoBSD build is not bad but has a few limits on packages that we wanted to overcome and also Netgate does not keep up with the PFSense updates as quickly so they are still at PFSense 2.0.1. We want our box to be running PFSense 2.0.2 so… Continue reading

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Manage your Bandwidth

PFSense is by far one of the best gateway solutions out there in my opinion.  I am going to show you one of the many reasons why I think this product is best of breed and that is the Bandwidth limiter. PFSense uses Free BSD as it base, it has included the DummyNet software project which allows you to  simulate/enforce queues and bandwidth limitations, delays, packet losses, and multipath… Continue reading

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[Kaseya Agent Procedure] Mac OSX Diagnostic data collection scripts

On April 14, 2012, in How-to, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Collect Application, Network, Firewall, Ethernet and Diagnostic information from Mac OSX

Download Here -> MacOSX Diagnostics

Cubert (Me) has been tasked with learning and creating useful scripts for Mac OSX systems. Here are some of the first scripts to come out. Our techs requested after the first week using the tools in Kaseya what would help make job just… Continue reading