Hobbit / XYMON does not compile on CentOS 5 and complains about clock_gettime issues.
Here is how to fix this issue.
Download Hobbit-4.2.3.tar.gz
#1 make sure pcre-devel is installed (#~yum install pcre-devel)
#2 add xymon user (#~useradd xymon)
#3 set varible for “ltr” (#~LIBRTDEF=-lrt)
#4 export varible (#~export LIBRTDEF)
#5 Configure Hobbit inside hobbit src directory (#~./configure –client)
#6 Compile program (#~make)
#7 Install program (#~make install)
#8 Start Continue reading
Yes, I know CentOS 5 does not come with a repository that holds valid redhat style rpm’s for rrdtool. So here is how we fix that. We are going to echo to a new file the repo information you will need to allow yum to install rrdtool.
We create a file called dag.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ by running the echo cmd below. Just copy and past it in to your putty Continue reading