Replay.Core.Contracts.Agents.AgentPairingFailedException: Error occurred pairing to agent at URL
Here is several possible fixes for this type of error based on state of agent systems, Each fix is based on a given type of problem. I will continue to post other fixes for this error type as I come across them.
New Agent Install on Windows DC or SBS server.
So you just installed an Appassure 5 core server… Continue reading
Microsoft DNS Server Cannot Resolve Some Domain Names Externally
DNSWalk is a small windows application that queries all ROOT servers and all returned Top Level Domain (TLD) servers for the FQDN requested. This allows you to see what is being returned to you from all root hint servers and all Top level DNS server.
Download -> DNSWalk-1.0
If you run DNSWalk on a Windows DNS server it… Continue reading
We were getting the following error after a migration to Exchange 2010 from 2003 which indicated that Exchange was still looking for the old server.
Event: Microsoft Exchange cannot find a route to the source transport server or home MTA server
The problem is during the migration the old server didn’t get pulled from Active Directory correctly so there were still settings that caused Exchange to believe that there was another MTA available… Continue reading
Everytime you try to run the Windows Updater you always get the message “Windows can’t update important files and services while the system is using them. Save any open files and restart the computer, and try to check for new updates.“ This is caused by a Registry Key that has not been removed after a previous update.
There is… Continue reading
Agent Procedure “GetActiveADUsers” is a small script I created that grabs the list of all “active” users in all OU’s and pipes that information along with their email addresses to a file. The script then grabs file and stores that file in the GetFile Area inside Kaseya. The script is also setup… Continue reading
Are you looking for a BBWin Client GUI to configure BBWin.cfg?
Can I see by raise of hand how many of you out there wishes for a good BBWin GUI so you don’t have to edit a that bloody XML file. I am having to flip between Wordpad, Task Manager and the Services console to place in the services and processes I want to monitor on my Windows… Continue reading
If DNS resolves a users system and that system is no longer at that IP then you may see a Event ID 10009 in the systems event logs. Check DNS for duplicate entries first… If you have the same computer name in DNS twice with 1 IP being correct and IP not, remove the wrong IP address.
This was a recurring error regarding a particular laptop on
After installing Windows 2008 R2 and then running the updates you start getting “There was a problem starting oobefldr.dll The specified module could not be found” being displayed as a error pop up when logging in to the desktop?
Just remove…
Log off and back on and and messages are now gone!
Enjoy Continue reading