How to Graph the APC NetBotz 200 Environment Monitor
Get the data templates -> cacti-apc-netbotz200-data-templates
Cacti Temp and Humidity Graphs for the APC NETBOTZ 200 is different from the NETBotz 400 and 600 models.
The APC Netbotz200 has 8 sensor inputs on the device so each input has a OID associatedwith it. What I did was scan the MIBs available and found where the Temp and Humidity Continue reading
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XYmon / Hobbit / BBWin monitoring and alerting server with audio / visual alerting and web UI display and management. Perfect for the network manager who has everything Continue reading is now offering a wide verity of network tools free. Tools includes a free Website monitor, free domain monitor and free ping alive monitor. Each of these monitors comes with free alerting and graphing services. has also a suite of free simple network tools like IP calculators, DNS Sleuth, Domain error checking, Ping, Trace route, Geo location of IP addresses and whois lookups. Truely a one stop shop Continue reading
Yes, I know CentOS 5 does not come with a repository that holds valid redhat style rpm’s for rrdtool. So here is how we fix that. We are going to echo to a new file the repo information you will need to allow yum to install rrdtool.
We create a file called dag.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ by running the echo cmd below. Just copy and past it in to your putty Continue reading