Backup Windows for LabTech gets new Offsite Synchronization features

On June 9, 2016, in Projects, Raves, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)



The Plugin4LabTech development team has let it leak out that the next version of the Backup Windows for LabTech plugin will now include Offsite Synchronization as a standard feature in all new versions. This feature allows MSPs to Offsite the local backups with schedulable Sync times keeping mirrors of the local backup directory on storage services across… Continue reading

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Backup Windows for LabTech

On March 28, 2016, in Projects, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)


Integrated LabTech Backups

Squidworks released today the most cost effective backup solution integrated with LabTech available, coming in at a whopping $1 per agent!

If you are like me, then backups are pretty costly at an average of $40 dollars a server license. If you have a 100 servers to backup, then your monthly bill is $4,000.00 per month… Continue reading

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APPAssureD – Dell AppAssure Backup Plugin For LabTech

On June 1, 2014, in Projects, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)


A new plugin is under development here inside the Squidworks garage that allows Labtech MSPs to manage Dell Appassure Backup Cores servers from a common console inside of Labtech. The new plugin leverages Appassure REST API to mine data from each core and send that data back to the Labtech database. Using the same processes the plugin is able to… Continue reading

{Solved} Appassure 5 -> Error occurred pairing to agent at URL

On August 11, 2013, in How-to, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Replay.Core.Contracts.Agents.AgentPairingFailedException: Error occurred pairing to agent at URL 

Here is several possible fixes for this type of error based on state of agent systems, Each fix is based on a given type of problem.  I will continue to post other fixes for this error type as I come across them.


New Agent Install on Windows DC or SBS server.

So you just installed an Appassure 5 core server… Continue reading

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AppAssure backups stop making snapshots and you start seeing a flood of log errors in the event viewer reporting Log write failed for device \Device\HarddiskVolume (drive ?:).   the failure status code is the last word of the data. an error event occurred.  eventid: 0xcaa12433


I came across a website called Merrit Solutions that has a great little how-to on fixing the dreaded Log write failed for device… Continue reading

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App Asure Replay CoreAppAssure Replay backup reports Errors, ‘Unable to take VSS Snapshot of volume(s) because the VSS subsystem is in a bad state.’ or ‘Error taking snapshot of volume(s): AddToSnapshotSet failed when trying to add volume ‘C:’ – VSS Provider is not registered’


I found this to be a fairly common issue when deploying new Replay… Continue reading

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So you may have a Windows 2003 server or servers that after installing the agents, configuring permissions and setting system to Protect on your core keeps failing to grab the first snapshot from your system.

This is quite common in Windows 2003 but may see it in 2008 as well. The issue is that the Winsock is messed up. Download and run

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[Kaseya Scripts] Repair VSS Writers on Windows Servers Agent Procedure

On November 18, 2011, in Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Are you having VSS issues?  Need a script to launch when either errors are reported or as a point and shoot script to repair VSS writer issues? Well Cubert has created a new VSS script that is fairly simple in nature but gets the job done nicely. This Kasey Agent Procedure was written for Kaseya 6+ RMM and has 2 parts.

Part… Continue reading

Kaseya Agent Procedure – FTP Remote Client Backup Script

On May 4, 2011, in How-to, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Backup Windows Systems to a FTP Server

Download: -> Kaseya FTP Backups

So you have Kaseya clients out on the wire that need some level of backup but are not near a NAS or USB Drive. Have thoes clients backup to a FTP server by using WinSCP and a Kaseya Script to do the job for you.

This script has several peices and can be customized for… Continue reading

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