MAGMA – Web GUI Admin Add-on for XYmon Monitoring Server

On November 1, 2012, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

MAGMA is a Web GUI interface for managing hosts, groups, tests and alarms on a XYmon server.

If you ever used XYmon you know that most of it is configured and managed by text files on the server. If your are not skilled in VI or Nano then this may present somewhat of a challenge at times.  Well all that is over when you install MAGMA as an add-on to your XYmon server, MAGMA frees you from the text files.


MAGMA is designed in PHP and uses a MySQL server database to store all the host, test and alarm information and creates your text files for you. MAGMA also integrates directly in to your current themes with out the need to edit or change the page code. You extract our tarball to a temp directory and follow the simple readme instructions to quickly get up and running.  Whether you use Local mode or Central mode you can manage your hosts using MAGMA. In Central Mode you have full control over the host system, you can manage all tests, thresholds and alarms notifications and if you prefer Local Mode you can manage the host and any external tests and thresholds and all alarm notifications.

MAGMA Manages:

  1. Page groupings
  2. Host in groups
  3. External tests (HTTP, SMTP, SSH etc..)
  4. Internal tests (CPU, LOAD, DISKS LOGS etc…)
  5. Drop tomestoned tests
  6. Manage all notifications of alarms

Download MAGMA ver. 0.01a

Screen Shots of MAGMA on XYMon

Look for New Menu in XYmon

Group manager for XYmon

Manage XYmon hosts

Edit Host Tests

Manage Alarms



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7 Responses to “MAGMA – Web GUI Admin Add-on for XYmon Monitoring Server”

  1. Shannon Anderson says:

    MAGMA sets up XYMON to display systems in a page hierarchy. This is preferred when you are using XYMon to monitor hundreds of systems and need to keep systems sorted by customer, location, job type or any other sorted grouping.

  2. rkr2 says:

    Hi Shannon, thx for the proyect! I’m try to employ this add-on but we can’t continue for a little error with the config (apparently) when impact the info of “manage groups/host/alarms” says: “Updating XXX entry in database..Unable to open file!” we don’t know what i’m missed :S

    Sorry for my bad Inglish. And thank your for readme.

  3. I think I understand your issue, you need to do 2 things.

    #1 Edit config.php under servedr/www and make sure that theses paths are correctly set for your install of XYMon

    $alertfile = “/var/www/xymon/server/etc/alerts.cfg”;
    $hostsfile = “/var/www/xymon/server/etc/hosts.cfg”;
    $configfile = “/var/www/xymon/server/etc/analysis.cfg”;

    #2 Make sure the permissions for the files are set to allow the user of the web server service runs under has write access.

    Then that error should go away and you should see the files with updated edits.

  4. rkr2 says:

    Hi cubert, thx for the tips,

    #1 i have my xymon paths in /home/xymon/ so my config.php is:
    $alertfile = “/home/xymon/server/etc/alerts.cfg”;
    $hostsfile = “/home/xymon/server/etc/hosts.cfg”;
    $configfile = “/home/xymon/server/etc/analysis.cfg”;

    #2 All directory under /home/xymon have chmod 755 😀

    I fixed my problem !!! dont have correctly configured the apache group in
    many directorys of the xymon path.

    Now i have other problems but is a diferent history…

    thanks for all !

  5. Matt says:

    I am a Linux novice, thanks for writing this, but once I got this installed and went to my xymon page under manage, the entire screen is white with some command line text, let me know if you have anything that I can do to fix this, thanks again!!!

  6. Ashu says:

    Hi, thank you for this great tool, it sure makes managing hosts much easier. But has anyone come across having to merge existing alerts with this tool? In other words, we are already using xymon for our monitoring and alerting and already have alerts.cfg file, how do we go about merging this with this tool’s database so that it keeps the alerts that we have already configured. I’m sort of a newbie but know enough to navigate myself around. Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Christian says:

    thanks for the great tool. The installation was easy and with no problems. But i can´t change the host groups in the manage hosts site. The dropdown menu is jumping to the first entry. So i can´t change host entries with this editor. What can i do to fix this problem?

    Best regards,

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