JailBreaking Iphone 3.1.3 on Windows XP
If your using the new Spirit.exe on windows you may get a error or 2. Not a big issue at all. Here is how to fix the 2 most common errors
You may get the error code displayed by Spirit “error code: c0000138″
To solve the problem, copy the file c:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\libeay32.dl
to c:\Windows\System32\
Then run Spirit.exe again
To get Spirit.exe for Windows to jailbreak your Iphone, Ipod, or Ipad
goto SpiritJB.com
Make sure your iPhone is on, in normal mode, and connected to the computer via your USB cable. Open Spirit – it will see your device and show it’s ready.
Select JailBreak
WINDOWS 7 FOLKS: If you’re getting error code c0000005, apparently setting compatibility mode to Windows 98 allows Spirit to work.
Your iPhone will show a “Restore Complete” screen (don’t worry, it’s not deleting any of your info/content), and Spirit will show Jailbreak Complete.
Allow it to reboot and run through its installer, once complete you will see your slider bar and you can access your phone. I suggest you look for and run the Cydia and install any updates with your WiFi turned on.
I have been fighting with this for a week and this fix took 30 seconds and it worked!!!
This guys a Genius!
dam it works now how do i install hacked apps from itunes
worked on windows 7
dose it work with a 3gs iphone 3.1.3?
Yeap, Works with all 3.0 Iphones, Ipads and Ipods!!
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
What do u mean by copy a file?
can u explain to me how to copy this c:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\libeay32.dl to this c:\Windows\System32\