Plugins4LabTech has created a new plugin that will monitor the CIM data announced by the hardware running VMWare ESX software. We can report on any hardware that follows CIM standards and makes it’s hardware statuses known to VMWare. This simple to use plugin deploys in just minutes and can be setup by anyone with little or no knowledge of LabTech… Continue reading
VMware vSphere vCenter Server 5.1 now uses a new SSO (Single Sign On) service to authenticate with Microsoft Active Directory when deploying vCenter. If you do not install this services and configure it for AD then you will not be able to use your domain accounts with vCenter 5.1 During the initial install you may get errors when installing SSO. KB 2034374 reports that a error of ” Error 29155 Identity source discovery… Continue reading
You are running ESX and have a VDR or 2 setup to do backups? Somewhere the VDR was rebooted or stopped working during backup and now has left snapshots on you VMs. You try to manually remove the snapshots and BAMB!
Error: Remove all snapshots Unable to access file <unspecified filename> since it is locked.
Here is… Continue reading
RetrieveStorageInfo request is ignored because the VM is in an invalid state: bad config = false could be produced as a possible error when the VMX file is invalid. During different activities that the ESX system is doing and during this activity the ISCSI disks are lost or something get in the way where a snaphot or some other process gets funked up. Can leave items… Continue reading
Do you run Kaseya RMM and need some free scripts?
Here is a compilation of scripts I have created for Kaseya to do different tasks, feel free to use them but keep in mind there is no guarantee. Use at your own discretion!
# Blackberry Enterprise Server ( BES Continue reading