PowerShell – Powershell plugin for LabTech

On January 28, 2015, in How-to, Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)


  LabTech PowerShell Plugin




Squidworks has now released their PowerShell plugin for LabTech that will allow you to run basic Powershell commands on the remote computers under management. You no longer need to remote in to a server or workstation to run basic Powershell commands against that system. In this version we added a… Continue reading

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ELGG Plugin:AdBrite -> BritePics patch for TidyPics

On December 17, 2009, in How-to, Projects, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

As part of Squidworks community involvement in Open source software we have added another code enhancement to the ELGG community.

This patch adds the BritePics Advertising feature to TidyPics plugin for ELGG.
Now when your images are viewed in full size your Adbrite account will post a quick ad over image. It also helps protect your images as the images is now wrapped in a flash player Continue reading

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ELGG Plugin : My Online Friends Messenger

On November 15, 2009, in Projects, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Here is a plugin for ELGG community web framework created to popout from side of browser and show your active friends by name and picture. Each online friend listed is hyperlinked back the the email composer with that friends ID pre posted. The plugin show users as active (5 minutes) and inactive (10 minutes) variations .


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