CCleaner for Labtech As A Security Tool

On August 5, 2016, in Raves, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)


The recent announcement that LabTech Software is managing the the sale of CCleaner for Business licensing and  providing free of charge the popular CCleaner for LabTech plugin developed by the Plugins4LabTech team is huge for the LabTech community. Every MSP knows the benefits of using CCleaner to maintain disk space and reduce junk on client PCs but most are unaware of… Continue reading

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LabTech Plugin : Expiry the AD Password Expiration Notifier

On May 28, 2015, in How-to, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)


Are Your Users Expired?


Yes, It is Monday morning,  you walk into your office and the Help Desk lines are already lit up. Clients are calling with emergency lockouts and emails not coming in on their phones and computers. You know their passwords are expired and they didn’t see the desktop popup from Microsoft warning them it was coming… Continue reading

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