[Solved] NTFRS – Journal Wrap Errors detected on Domain Controller

On September 9, 2011, in How-to, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

File Replication Service has detected that the replica set “DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE)” is in JRNL_WRAP_ERROR

Are you getting this error in your File Replication Service?

The File Replication Service has detected that the replica set “DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE)” is in JRNL_WRAP_ERROR.
Replica root path is : “c:\windows\sysvol\domain”
Replica root volume is

How-to Setup Windows 2008 R2 Server Core As An Active Directory Server

On April 7, 2011, in How-to, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Setup Active Directory on a Windows Server 2008 core


This is pretty simple actually; Install Windows as normal but selecting a Server Core as your installation medium. It will install just like a normal Windows 2008 install until the reboot process when it loads Windows for the first time. At the point it will ask for you to set your admin password and then boot to a Window’ish Continue reading