What’s new in Habitat for Automate?

On December 7, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

It has been an especially good year for Habitat, our tool box for ConnectWise Automate. Habitat has seen some significant improvements and additions over this last year including the following new tools.

Habitat Application Manager

The new Habitat Application Manager is a deployment and update manager for third party applications running on Windows agents inside ConnectWise Automate. This allows the MSP the ability to install application if needed but better yet&nbsp… Continue reading


Secure Your Clients Office365 Data From Dubious Providers

On November 17, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

If you are using ConnectWise Automate then listen-up

There is a pretty good chance you are also managing clients Office365. You maybe even use a online service to manage all clients together but is that really secure? There shouldn’t be a middle man between you and your clients data and actives.

For a $1 a day, bring all that control and security into your Automate… Continue reading


ConnectWise Automate Users Are Getting More Done With Habitat For Automate

On November 4, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Microsoft One Drive Status Monitor

Come see the latest tool added to Habitat for ConnectWise Automate, Microsoft OneDrive Status Monitor is the newest tool in the Habitat toolbox.


Get real value from your ConnectWise Automate environment with Habitat.


Get Encrypted – ConnectWise Automate Bitlocker Plugin To The Rescue

On October 26, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)
Promo good thru 12/1/2021

Plugins4Automate released a new plugin that allows MSPs to manage BitLocker across the environment. this plugin is for ConnectWise Automate 2020+ on=prem and hosted platforms.

Plugins4Automate has released a new plugin to mange BitLocker across all your clients.

What once was hard is now easy pesy!

Come take a quick read on how we can help manage all the BitLocker data and provide… Continue reading


New Active Directory UC plugin For Automate

On October 16, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

If you use ConnectWise Automate, then having access to your client’s Active Directory at your finger tips is critical to saving time and energy managing their environments. Our plugin is designed to provide you with the same tools you would have available if you were actually on the domain controller.  

This month we are giving away a month (1) subscription to this plugin so you can give… Continue reading


Get A Free Office365 for Automate Demo

On October 4, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Get a free month just to try it out and see all how it works.

Use promo code “FREE365ME” to get the first month free but hurry the promo expires November 1st.

See the plugin here.https://www.plugins4automate.com/produc … r-automate


Habitat For Automate – Major Build Release Makes Debut!

On October 4, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

October 02, 2021 • 3rd party Application management for ConnectWise Automate • Add functionality to ConnectWise Automate • Habitat toolbox for Automate releases a mega build.

Habitat for ConnectWise Automate launches the next major release of Habitat. After 2 years and a lot of additions of tools and services, Habitat has reached a milestone. Habitat is bumping up the primary build number to 1.0.1.x. Want to know what they… Continue reading


You have a CW server that is currently on an older version of ConnectWise Automate and during your upgrade path you receive a failure during the patching of Automate. The error message: Incorrect information in file: .\labtech\microsoftnoncompliantpatchcounts.frm’

So how to fix this?

You will need to log into your Automate servers desktop and launch SQLYog or connect to server via SQLYog or MYSQL Workbench over the local network. Now before you do… Continue reading

Habitat’s Birthday Gift to You

On May 8, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Get 10% OFF Subscription Price - Happy Birthday Habitat Special

It’s a Birthday celebration here at Plugins4Automate and we want you to get in on the party! So here is a gift from Habitat to you.

For the month of May, get Habitat for ConnectWise Automate with an extra 10% off the monthly subscription price. You will be getting the gift that keeps on giving, once signed up your subscription price will… Continue reading


Who’s squatting on your clients WiFi networks?

On April 27, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Who's squatting on your clients WiFi networks?

Know who’s using your networks resources!

Habitat has a new tool under the client location’s console that allows you to keep track of WiFi devices on each of the clients different location’s wifi networks. 

Wifi Location Scanner

The Habitat Wifi Location Scanner retrieves from Wifi enabled agents, a current list of seen Wifi devices on the networks being accessed. The service is keeping track… Continue reading