Squidwork’s garage is launching another neat plugin that fetches the browsing history from 4 major browsers available on Windows systems. SurfLog collects the browser history for Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari browsers and stores that data inside the LabTech database. The plugin in version 1.0 reads the last 30 days of logs and displays them on the computer console, allows you to launch a new scan and refresh your current view. You can also use the Clear All Logs button to remove all current logs for the computer your viewing or export the data into Excel.
Each column is sort able so you are able to see by Browser Type, URL, Site Title, User Profile or the number of visits to a URL. The plugin comes with one script that collects the data and should be scheduled on widows client groups for once a day.
The Surflog script only grabs the last 24 hours of logs to keep from get to much data that it then cannot import correctly in to the LT database using LT scripting. For this reason you should schedule script to run every 24 hours or less. It will not duplicate any entries into the database so you can run it every hour if you like and only new items will be added to the database. The Surflog script also manages the retention policy and will clear out logs based on the set policy. You can set the policy on the Info Tab of the Client console under the sub tab [SurfLog].
Enable SurfLog on a per client basis
Client Console ->Info Tab -> SurfLog Tab -> Enable Surflog Collection
You can enable Surflog Collection on a per client bases by enabling each client that you would like the collection process to run on. You should schedule the script to run on all windows systems for all systems in labtech then use the enable feature to allow scanner to run or not for each client. The script will validate whether or not to run based on this setting.
SurfLog History Retention
Client Console ->Info Tab -> SurfLog Tab -> Retention Policy
You can set the retention policy for each client between 1 and 90 days, as the collection script runs it will look at the policy for the client and will clear out history based on the retention policy set.
A “Client” must be enabled for any scans on systems under that client to run even if directly scheduled on that system!
SurfLog Key Word Highlight
Client Console ->Info Tab -> SurfLog Tab -> Key Words List
If you place a comma “,” separated list of words in this field the view of each log under this client will highlight those rows where the words show up in the URL, Title and Visit From columns.
We added the ability to surf the links from the history and you can now export the browser history to Excel.
New in version 1.1.0 Cloud hosted LT servers are now fully supported. Just edit the collector script to enable or disable cloud support. See [Grab Surf Logs] script notes for more information.
Get SurfLog 1.1..1
Feel free to donate to our cause if you find this software useful, Help keep our software free.
———New in Version 1.0.5———–
Added new Client Tab with Client level view of all browser histories.
———New in Version 1.0.6———–
Added threading to Excel exports.
Fixed display of Keyword box.
Added UK Time Support to Powershell collector scripts.
——-New in Version 1.1.0 —————-
Rewrote Export function, now really fast and works!
New look and feel
All new graphs and pie charts
Fixed several display issues
—-New in Version —————–
Added support for LT10.5
Plugin now loads script and edfs automatically, no script imports needed
Added auto plugin updater so you will not need to update plugin manually again.
We give a shout out to www.nirsoft.net for their BrowserHistoryView application that provides the CSV creator. Thanks for a great tool.
Cubert 😎
Unfortunately, Jordan, I was never able to figure out what was causing the issue so just ended up removing it.
What version of office were you using? I’m using 2007 and thinking that possibly has something to do with it. Getting an error in event logs everytime it crashes:
Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, Version=
14 is Office 2010 if im not mistaken
I am also having the issue where the surf log tab is not showing under the info tab within the client. Whenever the script runs it fails “not enabled”. How do i get the tab to show under info so i can enable it??
… Never mind… I was being dumb. I was going to the endpoint ie workstation rather than the site/customer level. script is running now, fingers crossed
I keep getting the ‘Ops we hit a error’ message when I click the Surflog Tab, any suggestions would be great.
Just restart your LTDBAgent on the LT server. The tables are most likely missing causing the error. The DBagent generates the new tables when it loads plugins but has not been told yet that Surflog exists yet.
Thanks it worked and it is working exactly how I need it to.
I’m trying to export a set of logs for a customer and when I click ‘OK’ acknowledging that it may take some time LT just closes and never exports anything.
I have installed the agent and was hoping to use it. I keep getting a Ops we hit an error.
The script(5863) failed in the THEN section at step 35
I installed the plugin and imported the xml file. It did not create a tab under info but created it’s own tab. When I click on it, I get an error, “Ops we hit a error” and all I can do is click OK
I did not see the comment above about restarting the DB, it works now.
in the scripts tab, it says, “not enabled, exiting script”
Hi Cubert.
Another great plugin. Thanks for sharing it. I got it working however I get an error when I try to export to Excel “Export to Excel went south”. I have about 12 entries in the history list?
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Hi again – not sure if this help you in troubleshooting my error message “export went south” but I did some more testing and I notice that Excel process kicks off, then this file “CVR789C.tmp.cvr” gets created in appdata\local\temp with 0 bytes and then I get message Export of Excel went South.
Hopefully this will help you troubleshoot the error?
We just released version 1.1.0 that has a new look and graphs along with a brand new export function that actually works!
Come check it out!
What would be a practical limitation of the number of records that could be retrieved for a site? I have a site with about 200 daily users and tried 30 day retention, I think all the data is in the db but labtech locks up completely (tried waiting hours) when trying to view the surflog tab for this site. Also I dont know how to now get access to the config to lower the retention period for that site.
Hi Cube,
I’ve imported the scrip and plugin as per the instructions, and it created the SurfLog folder in scripts, but the script didn’t appear. (not even in the root of the scripts folder). i’m running the cloud based version. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
sorry…me again….i found the script. it was in _Examples for some reason!
I have installed on Labtech 10 server, enabled collection on client. When script runs I get
The script(5821) failed in the THEN section at step 38
Start S5821
IF F1 P1: P2: P3: T:39341.2432196
L1 F139 P1:# Lets start by checking if we P2: P3: T:39341.3442196
L4 F139 P1:# Lets see if we are enabled t P2: P3: T:39341.6442196
L5 F103 P1:eeb999b4-2573-11e4-94fa-0e2809 P2:1 P3:SURFLOGENABLED T:39341.7442196
L6 F70 P1:SURFLOGENABLED P2:3 P3:1 T:39341.8482196
L7 F139 P1:# Lets see what our retention P2: P3: T:39341.9482196
L8 F103 P1:e26eeb42-2576-11e4-94fa-0e2809 P2:1 P3:SURFLOGRETENTION T:39342.0482196
L9 F103 P1:02766717-320d-11e4-83cc-0e2809 P2:1 P3:SURFLOGKEYWORDS T:39342.1522196
L10 F139 P1:# Based on retention policy le P2: P3: T:39342.2562196
L11 F70 P1:SURFLOGRETENTION P2:8 P3:1Day T:39342.3562196
L12 F70 P1:SURFLOGRETENTION P2:8 P3:7Days T:39342.4562196
L21 F67 Parameters Hidden T:39342.5562196
L22 F129 P1::RUNSCAN P2: P3: T:39342.6572196
L34 F154 P1:c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog P2: P3: T:39342.7572196
L35 F114 P1:c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e P2:0 P3::RUNSHELL T:39496.8632196
L38 F28 P1:Utilities\BrowsingHistoryView- P2:c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e P3: T:39502.1682196
any suggestions
Thank you
I figured out the issue in my previous post. However, when I try to export history to excel I get the following error
Excel Export went south, Sorry! Could not find a part of the path ‘c:\temp\Surflog_ID-768_18-Sep-2015.csv’
are you running latest version? and do you have a C:\temp folder you can write to?
Thank you for the reply. Yes I have the latest version of Labtech. Upon your advise, I checked my temp folder and for whatever reason, the permissions were wrong. I changed the permissions and now it works. Thank you, this is a great plugin.
I’m getting the same script error as Tony where it is failing on step 38. What was the issue/fix?
I am receiving this error.
The script(5969) failed in the THEN section at step 38
Start SurfLog\Grab Surf Logs
IF True Parameter1: Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 34016.363
L1 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets start by checking if we Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 34016.463
L4 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets see if we are enabled t Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 34016.763
L5 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: eeb999b4-2573-11e4-94fa-0e2809 Parameter2: 1 Parameter3: SURFLOGENABLED Time Taken: 34016.863
L6 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGENABLED Parameter2: 3 Parameter3: 1 Time Taken: 34016.964
L7 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets see what our retention Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 34017.064
L8 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: e26eeb42-2576-11e4-94fa-0e2809 Parameter2: 1 Parameter3: SURFLOGRETENTION Time Taken: 34017.164
L9 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: 02766717-320d-11e4-83cc-0e2809 Parameter2: 1 Parameter3: SURFLOGKEYWORDS Time Taken: 34017.265
L10 Script Note Parameter1: # Based on retention policy le Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 34017.366
L11 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 1Day Time Taken: 34017.466
L12 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 7Days Time Taken: 34017.566
L21 SQL Execute Parameters Hidden Time Taken: 34017.666
L22 Script Goto Parameter1: :RUNSCAN Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 34017.767
L34 Folder Create Parameter1: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 34017.867
L35 IF File Check Parameter1: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e Parameter2: 0 Parameter3: :RUNSHELL Time Taken: 34025.968
L38 File Download Parameter1: Utilities\BrowsingHistoryView- Parameter2: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e Parameter3: Time Taken: 34030.272
Hi there – I have tried everything from here to get this to work. I am still not able to get scan results. It says it’s not enabled… what can I provide you to help me see what I am missing?
Start Grab Surf Logs
IF True Parameter1: Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 54427.937327
L1 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets start by checking if we Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 54428.037993
L4 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets see if we are enabled t Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 54428.3399828
L5 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: eeb999b4-2573-11e4-94fa-0e2809 Parameter2: 4 Parameter3: SURFLOGENABLED Time Taken: 54428.4407853
L6 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGENABLED Parameter2: 3 Parameter3: 1 Time Taken: 54428.5444522
L7 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets see what our retention Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 54428.6449273
L8 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: e26eeb42-2576-11e4-94fa-0e2809 Parameter2: 4 Parameter3: SURFLOGRETENTION Time Taken: 54428.74578
L9 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: 02766717-320d-11e4-83cc-0e2809 Parameter2: 4 Parameter3: SURFLOGKEYWORDS Time Taken: 54428.8474456
L10 Script Note Parameter1: # Based on retention policy le Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 54428.9485413
L11 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 1Day Time Taken: 54429.0487208
L12 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 7Days Time Taken: 54429.1493845
L13 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 15Days Time Taken: 54429.2504271
L14 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 30Days Time Taken: 54429.3509019
L27 SQL Execute Parameters Hidden Time Taken: 54429.4519973
L28 Script Goto Parameter1: :RUNSCAN Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 54429.5524215
L34 Folder Create Parameter1: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 54429.653654
L35 IF File Check Parameter1: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e Parameter2: 0 Parameter3: :RUNSHELL Time Taken: 54506.7946788
L38 File Download Parameter1: Utilities\BrowsingHistoryView- Parameter2: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e Parameter3: Time Taken: 54511.09976
Just an FYI regarding my previous post – I have verified that the “SurfLog” folder does exist on the user’s PC, however there is not BHV.e within it.
Everyone, I am working on a new release that should be out later today that will help with some of your issues like where is the BHV.exe file and when and where do I schedule scripts. We are also adding in our Plugin Auto Updater so your plugin will get new updates as we release them automatically. We have also automated the schedule process so you will only need to install the DLL and enable scans via the EDF and away you go. No more need to schedule any scanning or worry about offline systems.
We have now released which adds support for LT10.5 , Auto updating plugin and automatic script and edf creation. We also switched the delivery of the application to URL based from share based this will make it easy for cloud based MSPs to use the product.
Come and get it!!
I’m having trouble with the installation. I have installed the plugin via plugin manager, and restarted the DBagent. Plugin manager shows green for enabled, db loaded, and IIS loaded, but I cannot find the actual surf log script anywhere, nor do I have a surflog tab under the info tab. We use a cloud based labtech instance.
scratch that, I found the surflog tab, which isn’t under the info tab in my case. I probably missed the note on that change. When I choose “scan now”, after the information message about checking the scripts tab for completion, I receive “Error -> There is no row at position 0.”
I have installed the plugin and enabled on the client info tab but I get no results. When I look at the scripts tab on a desktop I can see that the script has run but says “not enabled, exiting script”
Same as Dave – Client is enabled. Have enabled logging on selected PCs – Here are the script run results:
The script(5771) failed in the THEN section at step 38
Start Grab Surf Logs
IF True Parameter1: Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 41867.0616786
L1 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets start by checking if we Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 41867.1619128
L4 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets see if we are enabled t Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 41867.4642926
L5 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: eeb999b4-2573-11e4-94fa-0e2809 Parameter2: 4 Parameter3: SURFLOGENABLED Time Taken: 41867.5649602
L6 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGENABLED Parameter2: 3 Parameter3: 1 Time Taken: 41867.6670073
L7 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets see what our retention Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 41867.7681057
L8 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: e26eeb42-2576-11e4-94fa-0e2809 Parameter2: 4 Parameter3: SURFLOGRETENTION Time Taken: 41867.8687195
L9 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: 02766717-320d-11e4-83cc-0e2809 Parameter2: 4 Parameter3: SURFLOGKEYWORDS Time Taken: 41867.9698178
L10 Script Note Parameter1: # Based on retention policy le Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 41868.0714345
L11 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 1Day Time Taken: 41868.171532
L12 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 7Days Time Taken: 41868.2721448
L13 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 15Days Time Taken: 41868.3729927
L14 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 30Days Time Taken: 41868.4736524
L15 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGRETENTION Parameter2: 8 Parameter3: 90Days Time Taken: 41868.5743366
L30 SQL Execute Parameters Hidden Time Taken: 41868.6753814
L31 Script Goto Parameter1: :RUNSCAN Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 41868.776238
L34 Folder Create Parameter1: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 41868.8770943
L35 IF File Check Parameter1: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e Parameter2: 0 Parameter3: :RUNSHELL Time Taken: 41873.9808369
L38 File Download Parameter1: Utilities\BrowsingHistoryView- Parameter2: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e Parameter3: Time Taken: 41878.2865467
@ Harmony
What Version are you running? You are dieing at line 38 of the script. This is where the script looks to find Utilities\BrowsingHistoryView.exe in your LTdrive location. In the latest version we have changed this to go out to the web and grab it on line 36 and 37 of plugin.
I would delete any Surflog scripts, download the latest zip and install the DLL. Restart the LT DB Agent and the LT console. Then let it try again.
It will recreate the script and run when the cycle fires off and you should see different results.
I’m having the same problem as Dave. The script exits with “not enabled”. I have surflog enabled under the info tab on the needed clients and I have restarted all labtech related services with no change. Is there somewhere else that I must enable surflog?
The script(5846) was successful in the THEN section.
Start Maintenance\SurfLog Maintenance
IF True Parameter1: Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 46870.527
L1 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets start by checking if we Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 46870.627
L4 Script Note Parameter1: # Lets see if we are enabled t Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 46870.927
L5 ExtraData Get Value Parameter1: 592 Parameter2: 3 Parameter3: SURFLOGENABLED Time Taken: 46871.027
L6 Variable Check Parameter1: SURFLOGENABLED Parameter2: 3 Parameter3: 1 Time Taken: 46871.127
L70 Script Log Message Parameter1: Not Enabled, exiting script. Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 46871.227
L71 Script Goto Parameter1: Parameter2: Parameter3: Time Taken: 46871.327
Hey Cubert – I thought I had updated but may not have done it correctly. I would like to do as you suggest and start fresh but … When you say “I would delete any Surflog scripts” can you guide me as to where you mean to delete them from – every desktop I’ve fired them on? Sorry to be lame – I am pretty new to labtech.
I got this far:
The script(5771) failed in the THEN section at step 38
L38 File Download Parameter1: Utilities\BrowsingHistoryView- Parameter2: c:\windows\ltsvc\SurfLog\BHV.e Parameter3: Time Taken: 62180.1020505
I’m having the same issue as Scottie. hen I choose “scan now”, after the information message about checking the scripts tab for completion, I receive “Error -> There is no row at position 0.”
I’m running LT Cloud and the plugin is enabled and on but I can’t see the script anywhere in the Scripts folder. Is there something I’m doing wrong?
I’e restarted the DB agent etc
Has anyone successfully deployed SurfLog with LabTech 10 on premise? If so, can anyone tell me how to completely uninstall it and start from scratch so I can see if I can get it to work? Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Same issue here when deployed with Labtech 10 on premise. It does not work. I receive “Error -> There is no row at position 0.
Same as Robert. On Prem V10 not working.
“Error -> There is no row at position 0.”
Sorry I was out at ITNation all last week so was out of town. I will look in to this today and see what may be going wrong with latest version.
The script should appear once the first automated scan runs. It looks for a EDF to be present and checked for a client but what looks to be happening is in the script it can not find this edf we created. If you open and edit the are we enabled EDF check line in script you can reset it to the “correct” edf value for your system.
I’ll look in to this and get back with you all.
Loving the idea of this plug-in. I’ve only installed the new version on an on-prem LT server and I can verify that it doesn’t work with the same error as above:
“Error -> There is no row at position 0.”
Hi Cubert, I’m trying this on Lab Tech 10.5 ( release .226 )
I have installed the plugin, restarted the db agent 3 times but am still unable to find any script in our system. We have the EDF’s, tabs etc. I have enabled it for 1 client, if I try to firce a scan I get the same error as the guys above ( There is no row at postition 0. )
We have one table in the database for it, I can tsee any searches or groups either. Should we have some?
Oh, and I installed over 6 hours ago as well.
Thanks for HUGE contributions you make to Lab Tech / Lab Tech Geek.
A living legend one might say!
Regards Peter.
Hi Cubert, great job on ALL the plugins that you do for the LabTech community. I noticed in my LTPluginErrors that I’m getting allot of the following messages: “LTAgent v105.225 – 12/7/2015 12:08:24 PM – Get Sql Error: Operand should contain 1 column(s) Select” any idea how we can correct this issue?