LabTech Software User manager for Office365 plugin
Get it here -> Version
As of Version 0.1.6 we have added several new features and some bug fixes. These new features include ability to manage Send As, Send on Behalf Of and give full permissions to users of Office365. Set forwarding email addresses and reset user passwords, Add new users, Soft delete users (30 days to recover) and update user s Active Directory information. We have also updated the user views to include mailbox sizes and item counts, provisioning status, Client license type and license counts available and consumed licenses.
New in version
Distribution Group Management: Add and delete groups and manage the members in the groups.
We rewritten the way we collect data, we now create and run shell scripts directly on the workstation verses using the powershell script cmd in LT scripting. We have combined several sub scripts in to a single script that opens one connection to O365 and grabs all user data in 1 session. This has improved the speed of data collection by several fold.
We fixed a few issues with the Plugin script and added some more error handling.
We have change the layout in version to a tabular design to allow for more controls to be added in a logical manor, We now can restore user mailboxes and convert users to shared mailboxes.
New in version
We resolved some issues with several features, added a new license manager, added the ability to export a list of licenses and the users to a CSV file and we now have a documentation and help center located on each tab to better assist users in managing Office 365.
New in Version 1.8.1
We added several new controls to the main application, you can now set domain password policies, manage calendar access for users and set user passwords to never expire. We also made a few fixes and added some new code to help with troubleshooting data collection issues.
New in Version 1.8.2
Several bug fixes, updated scripts and updated Windows Azure packages with latest versions.
New in Version 1.8.5
Added new feature :Powershell Session, this opens up a powershell session with Office365 and hands you the console to run any cmdlet you want on the clients Online services without the need to lookup the clients account information and building a session your self. One quick click and you accessing Microsoft Online and loading all modules needed to manager your Office 365 in the cloud.
Minor issues fixed.
New in Version 1.8.6
Added new Collector Tab that allows you to set the collector, launch new collections or test the collector for readyness.
Added script to update powershell to version 3 on all collector system with powershell 2 installed.
Here is the list of things to setup:
#1 the Zip comes with scripts, a group and a search along with the plugin DLL. You will need to import these into your system and set them up if they do not setup correctly during import. You should also view the plugin first before setting up the group and scripts to mine the data. This will allow the new database tables to be created to store the data the miners will be collecting. When you import the group and search the group doesn’t schedule the Office 365 Collect Data script correctly so you may need to verify and or replace the schedule group script to run every 2-4 hours.
The scripts are:
“Install AD Module for PowerShell” – Setup Powershell on any remote windows 7 x64 or 2008 R2 or newer system.
“Office 365 Collect data” – Should be scheduled in Group to run every 2-4 hours. Collects the user data and keeps it current in database.
“Office365_Plugin.ps1” – Must be placed in L:\Transfer\Scripts\Office365\ for plugin to function. If you are using Labtech from remote and or do not have the mapping available you can use a USB thumb drive and store the script in the same location on thumb drive and mount it as drive L:\ and you will function correctly from remote or cloud based RMM.
Next after you install the Microsoft powershell script on a system that meets the standards (Win 7 x64 +) at each client (any location and only one location needed) Add a new password to the password Tab at the “Client” Level that’s title is “Office365”, the username be the admin email address for client ( and the password used. All scripts and Plugin will use this location to get the passwords needed to access each clients Office365 accounts.
To prep systems that will be acting as the data miner for the client you should first find a Windows 7 x64 or Windows 2008 R2 or greater system at one of the clients locations. Then run once on that machine the new Office 365 script “Install AD Modules for Powershell” on that system. Once complete the script should automatically “check” the “Windows Azure Active Directory Modules Installed” box as seen here in picture. You will need to also run this script on all workstations you plan to use to support your helpdesk, remembering to “uncheck” the Windows Azure Active Directory Modules Installed” box for all systems on your helpdesk as you do not want them as part of the search group.
You will want to install the powershell tools on all support center personal workstations that meet the minimum requirements. We use these tools in the plugin as well as scripts so console users will need tools also. Remember to go to each of those systems in Labtech and “uncheck” the box “Windows Azure Active Directory Module Installed” so that helpdesk employees do not get office 365 probe running on their systems every 2-4 hours. Next you should setup search and group, the search looks for a flag to be set in the “default” location on the Info tab of a PC. If found “checked” it will add this system to the four hour scripting of the user data fetcher.
“C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory\Powershell\MSOnline”
There was a security issue with plugin accessing %windir% so we had to move the MSonline module manually to an area we could read from. I will be fixing all this in the upcoming release.
When you execute changes using the new plugin it will launch a Powershell console to execute the connections to MSOnline, pass the information to MSOnline and then close. This can take a little time to complete depending on MSOnlines current load on system. Be patent and allow the Powershell window to close on it’s own.
Import the Group and Custom search:
Whey you import the scripts, custom group and search they may not end up where they were meant to be so you may need to move things around in LT to get it setup correctly.
Once you import the group you should have under the groups drop down a new group called MSOL Office365 Hosts. There should be 1 script scheduled “Office365 MasterMiner”. It should be scheduled to run every 1-2 hours and to skip if offline. This group should be using the custom search you have imported as part of the plugin install. Just verify that this is accurate and if not reset group to use the Office365 search.
If group and search are functioning correctly you should get a list of all systems that have the “Windows Azure Active Directory Module Installed” checkbox checked. This should be only 1 system per client. You do not need to have them installed at every location. It does need to be a Windows 7 x64 or Server 2008 R2 or greater system to operate the powershell functions.
That’s about it…
Enjoy Office365 management via Labtech
Good afternoon sir!
Plugin is working flawlessly. Very excellent work!
[…] we announce our 7Th release of the Office365UM plugin for Labtech available for download now at Squidworks Office365 Plugin for Labtech . We hope you enjoy our products and post here at Squidworks, your experiences with the plugin. […]
[…] Get the Plug-in […]
Version 1.8.1 is now available for download
#1 Shared Calendars control
#2 Password Never Expires Control
#3 Domain Password Policy Control
Improved Powershell process logging during management (Console will now tell you whats it’s trying to do for you at Office365)
Improved debugging of dataminer and a process to retry data imports when a possible failure was detected.
Lots of Shizzle in this release..
Hi –
Thank you so much for making this plugin. I have it installed on my server and everything appears to be running without issue. It appears to collect all the info using the miner (I have it setup at 1 client site thus far). Upon looking at the Office 365 tab for the site it shows up as blank. When I look through the script log it appears that everything has run without any failure. I have also confirmed that I have moved the MSOnline folder to the correct location as I had to do it manually from the server (miner) and client (LT client wks).
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or could help me with this.
Thank you in advance,
Version 1.8.2 has now been released, Has several bug fixes, updated LT Scripts and the latest Azure and SSO packages for 2012 servers.
Now supports 32 and 64 bit Probes
Hi Cubert,
As of 1.8.2, installing the AD Module appears to be disabling UAC, is this correct? After running the install on a helpdesk machine here, we get the prompt saing UAC won’t be disabled until a reboot is done.
We’re very strongly against the disabling of UAC, especially on client machines. Is it only disabled for the installation? If so, I don’t think it’s working anyway, as it’s not actually disabling until after a reboot.
We just released version 1.8.5.
Added new feature to allow tech to manage Powershell session and run any powershell command they like against the Online session.
Some great stuff
I’m having the same issue Stephen is reporting a few comments up. I traced the script line by line and it looks to be working but the User account section on the Office365 Tab is empty. In fact the only tab with any info on it at all, is the Groups tab.
Anyone have any ideas on this?
Yes, the reason is the latest MSOnline modules require Powershell 3 and the system your running on has Powershell 2. The modules fail to load and you can not query users but can query groups so you see groups but no users.
I am releasing a new version that will verify version 3 and if not auto install for you. But in the mean time just use our Chocolatey plugin to install Powershell 3 silently to system from LT or manually update Powershell to 3 on the data collector system.
You should be good to go.
We just release 1.8.6 that adds new features to Office365 User Manager. We added new tab to set the data collector, launch new data collections and test the data collector for readiness. We also added new script to update powershell when install AD modules.
So really good stuff if you have not upgraded yet!!
Enjoy Cubert
Have you seen this error before?
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [DataCollectorlite.ps1], Pa
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument,DataCollectorlite.ps1
That is what happens when I run the Test Collector.
Cubert, a lot seems to be missing from the transfer folder!
Bryan did you ever get an answer?
What is missing? there should be just 1 powershell script and it should be placed in the folder structure seen inside the zip.
The import of the XML scripts file should create the following files
Which is needed for the “Install AD Modules” script
This script installs the Azure SSO and Powershell mods for O365 and our 1 Powershell script is executed by the plugin
and that is it for actual files needed in the L:\ drive or the transfer directory.
I will add this tidbit, LT is known for not importing scripts to the intended folders so you may find the scripts that were imported via the LT XML Expansion importer place scrips in root of scripts folder and sometimes fails to create the files.
The PS script I provide as extra just for this reason but the 4 Microsoft files needed can be downloaded here.
I do not provide these files
Currently i have this testing for a client. Everything seems to be working as far as updating and pulling data. the only issue is i cannot edit anything. When i attempt to use the Powershell option it states no script was found verify my connection to the l drive.
Love the plugin Cubert!
We have a large client 400+ accounts and we get an error about more data being available when we test the collector at that site.
Running the Data Collecter script manually, this may take a few minutes please be patient…
WARNING: More results are available. Please specify one of the All or
MaxResults parameters.
Lets see if we have some users
Do we have any SKU's
The plugin works GREAT everywhere else!
I appear to be missing the Office365 MasterMiner script. I have gone through the steps again and am not sure what I am missing. Does anyone have a solution?
I also don’t seem to have the tab on the client tab. Clearly I have missed an item and I am not seeing it… assistance?
Did you use plugin manager to install plugin? Then did you close your console and repoen it going back to plugin manager and “enabling” the plugin?
Before using the plugin you should also restart the LT Database agent so that it will see the new plugin and create the necessary tables for it.
Thanks for the assist. I ended up restarting the database agent and that solved my issue! Thanks!
Getting an error “Opps.. Looks like we hit an error. Public member ‘ExecPSRestoreUserAccount’ on type ‘PS_Exec’ not found
I am getting this when attempting to restore a user… Thoughts?
I made a copy of your script Install AD Module for PowerShell as well as the Upgrade O365 PowerShell to Version 3 and changed the download commands to pull directly from MS instead of our LabTech server. The Upgrade O365 PowerShell to Version 3 is working as expected and is even upgrading to version 4 since that is the WMF I have it pulling. The issue I am having with the Install AD Module for PowerShell is the step 13 where it tries to download the AdministrationConfig.msi from the MS URL which works fine in a browser. I have read about several people having trouble downloading, but I am not having trouble with a browser like they are. Any thoughts on what it could be other? We are really only concerned with this as we are in a cloud environment that charges for outbound bandwidth and so I try to use external URLs whenever possible.
well you can create multiple download spots and have the script check for the file and if missing move to second source and try that. would require a loop and a sleep on the script.
But sure it can be done as a LT script..
I’m also not seeing the Master Miner script. I have the plugin installed, restarted console and database agent, etc. I do have the Collect Data script if that’s the replacement.
Also, every time I try to run the script it fails at line 84
“The script(5993) failed in the THEN section at step 84
Start S5993
IF F95 P1:de6a144f-c8a1-11e3-b771-005056 P2:4 P3:2 T:82631.5446
L1 F29 P1:Starting Office 365 Client inf P2: P3: T:82631.6538
L2 F139 P1:Lets check if we have our modu P2: P3: T:82631.763
L3 F154 P1:%ltsvcdir%\O365 P2: P3: T:82631.8722
L4 F114 P1:”C:\Windows\LTSvc\O365\MSOnlin P2:0 P3::RUNNOW T:82636.0374
L8 F114 P1:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P2:1 P3:1 T:82640.2026
L10 F139 P1:Lets get our Office365 usernam P2: P3: T:82644.3678
L11 F20 P1:11 P2:SELECT username FROM passwords P3:Office365Username T:82644.477
L12 F20 P1:1 P2:ol4r5KHMqF+PyHxy9gORYsyKtFj5Ja P3:statementvar T:82644.5862
L13 F171 P1:17 P2:ol4r5KHMqF+PyHxy9gORYsyKtFj5Ja P3:vmware T:82644.6954
L14 F20 P1:11 P2:SELECT CONVERT(AES_DECRYPT(Pas P3:Office365Password T:82644.8046
L15 F139 P1:Now copy our PS1 test file dow P2: P3: T:82644.9138
L16 F90 P1:%ltsvcdir%\O365\DataCollectorl P2:############################## P3: T:82645.023
L17 F139 P1:Now copy our PS1 file down and P2: P3: T:82648.1742
L18 F90 P1:%ltsvcdir%\O365\DataCollector. P2:############################## P3: T:82648.2834
L19 F20 P1:1 P2:powershell.exe -ExecutionPolic P3:PWRSHLCMD T:82652.6514
L21 F109 P1:powershell.exe -ExecutionPolic P2: P3: T:82652.8698
L22 F109 P1:date /T P2: P3:MYDATE T:82696.581
L23 F109 P1:time /T P2: P3:MYTIME T:82701.7602
L24 F20 P1:1 P2:Sun 06/14/2015 06:58 PM P3:DATETIME T:82705.9254
L25 F80 P1:06b19675-3137-11e4-83cc-0e2809 P2:1 P3:Sun 06/14/2015 06:58 PM T:82706.0346
L26 F139 P1:Lets start grabbing the SQL fi P2: P3: T:82706.1438
L27 F114 P1:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P2:1 P3::NODATA T:82706.253
L28 F20 P1:7 P2:%ltsvcdir%\O365\Office365Users P3:USERDATASQL T:82709.4042
L29 F70 P1:USERDATASQL P2:8 P3:”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ” T:82711.5414
L30 F20 P1:1 P2:DELETE FROM `plugin_msol_offic P3:DELSQLSTMT T:82711.6506
L31 F67 Parameters Hidden T:82711.7598
L32 F20 P1:1 P2:REPLACE INTO `plugin_msol_offi P3:SQLSTMT T:82711.869
L33 F67 Parameters Hidden T:82711.9782
L35 F29 P1:Updating Office 365 AD User Ac P2: P3: T:82712.1966
L36 F139 P1::NODATA P2: P3: T:82712.3058
L37 F114 P1:%ltsvcdir%\O365\Office365UserM P2:1 P3::NODATA1 T:82712.415
L38 F20 P1:7 P2:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P3:USERMAILBOXESSQL T:82715.5662
L39 F70 P1:USERMAILBOXESSQL P2:8 P3:”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”) T:82719.7314
L40 F20 P1:1 P2:REPLACE into `plugin_msol_offi P3:SQLSTMT T:82719.8406
L41 F67 Parameters Hidden T:82719.9498
L42 F29 P1:Updating Office 365 Mailbox in P2: P3: T:82720.059
L43 F139 P1::NODATA1 P2: P3: T:82720.1682
L44 F114 P1:%ltsvcdir%\O365\Office365UserM P2:1 P3::NODATA2 T:82720.2774
L45 F20 P1:7 P2:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P3:USERMAILBOXESSQL T:82723.4286
L46 F70 P1:USERMAILBOXESSQL P2:8 P3:”, ”, ‘ ‘) T:82727.5938
L47 F20 P1:1 P2:REPLACE into plugin_msol_offic P3:SQLSTMT T:82727.703
L48 F67 Parameters Hidden T:82727.8122
L49 F29 P1:Updating Office 365 Mailbox si P2: P3: T:82727.9214
L50 F139 P1::NODATA2 P2: P3: T:82728.0306
L51 F114 P1:%ltsvcdir%\O365\Office365Clien P2:1 P3::NODATA3 T:82728.1398
L52 F20 P1:7 P2:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P3:AccountSKUSQL T:82731.291
L53 F70 P1:AccountSKUSQL P2:8 P3:”, ”, ”, ”) T:82735.4562
L54 F20 P1:1 P2:REPLACE into `plugin_msol_offi P3:SQLSTMT T:82735.5654
L55 F67 Parameters Hidden T:82735.6746
L56 F29 P1:Updating Office 365 Accounting P2: P3: T:82735.7838
L57 F139 P1::NODATA3 P2: P3: T:82735.893
L58 F114 P1:%ltsvcdir%\O365\Office365Group P2:1 P3::NODATA4 T:82736.0022
L67 F114 P1:C:\windows\LTSVC\O365\Office36 P2:1 P3::NODATA5 T:82740.1674
L68 F20 P1:7 P2:%ltsvcdir%\O365\Office365Delet P3:USERDATASQL T:82743.3186
L69 F70 P1:USERDATASQL P2:8 P3:, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, T:82747.4838
L70 F20 P1:1 P2:Delete From `plugin_msol_offic P3:DELSQLSTMT T:82747.593
L71 F67 Parameters Hidden T:82747.7022
L72 F20 P1:1 P2:REPLACE INTO `plugin_msol_offi P3:SQLSTMT T:82747.8114
L73 F67 Parameters Hidden T:82747.9206
L74 F29 P1:Updating Office 365 Deleted Us P2: P3: T:82748.0298
L75 F139 P1::NODATA5 P2: P3: T:82748.139
L76 F139 P1:#Lets remove all data files P2: P3: T:82748.2482
L77 F13 P1:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P2: P3: T:82748.3574
L78 F13 P1:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P2: P3: T:82748.4666
L79 F13 P1:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P2: P3: T:82748.5758
L80 F13 P1:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P2: P3: T:82748.685
L81 F13 P1:C:\windows\LTSvc\O365\Office36 P2: P3: T:82748.7942
L82 F13 P1:C:\windows\LTSVC\O365\Office36 P2: P3: T:82748.9034
L83 F20 P1:1 P2:1 P3:GROUPCOUNT T:82749.0126
L84 F196 Parameters Hidden T:82749.1218
Everything else seems to work. I’ve copied the MSOnline folder as well.
I have installed the script and it appears to be working…but…
I am missing
is this still a valid script?
I scheduled the script instead to run on the group:
Sorry, it seems my tags I used cause data to be stripped when I posted..
I have installed the script and it appears to be working…but…
I am missing (Office365 MasterMiner) script
is this still a valid script?
I scheduled the (Office 365 Collect Data) script instead to run on the group: (MSOL Office365 Hosts)
Hi Cubert,
This plugin is a jem! I had written quite a few scripts to do these functions like adding users, deleting users, convert to shared mailbox and so on but this plugin works so much better!
I have one feature request. I modified your PS script so that it creates an Office 365 user and applies a license so that nothing needs to be done manually. I’ve basically hijacked the Department field and I enter the license detail in there and the modified PS script just uses that. Works a treat for me but I was wondering if at some point you can add that as a field when creating a user?
One other thing, I’m really struggling with one client. It gets the Groups and License information but it does not populate the User list. The script seems to find the users but somehow they don’t populate. I’ve tried different computers as collectors but that doesn’t seem to help. Is there something I’m missing?
Hey guys – great plugin however I also am missing the master data miner script which I am guessing creates the database tables the other scripts are trying to reference.
Are you able to export just that script and post it up here for a quick download?
First off: Thanks for the many great plugins. I am finally getting this installed. For me, the scripts will not import correctly. The “Install Azure PS Modules” script does not populate the EDF, and when I try to open the script I get an error of : “Error loading script:Syntax error: Missing operand after ‘b81cd2’ operator.” The EDF did not load correctly either, but I was able to recreate the EDF, and subsequently get the search working correctly. I’m guessing the Script is erroring out trying to write to the wrong EDF(Which I manually Created) VS the default EDF.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for another awesome Labtech integration. Wanted to give some feedback. Occasionally, had some issues with the automation of setting up the collectors but I could always manually deploy required components and login via powershell from collector box to get this working; did occasionally require a reboot for some odd reason to start collection. I’ll dig into the automation/scripts when time allow; particularly in the PS upgrade process if earlier version detected.
I wanted to suggest a different location for this tool to live. I haven’t seen the Labtech new UI but considering that LT put the Active Directory Browser and Domains in the View menu, this seems like an ideal place for the Office365 plugin to live as well. One less tab to load (feels like I have a million which is bogging down Labtech) and a single location for all clients that can controlled with a pull down menu vs having to open each client site.
Thanks again for doing what you do and making LT that much more useful of a tool.
Your scripts are to well made, stop it, you’re spoiling me. 😉
but seriously, thank you.
Hey Cubert,
Does this plugin have the capability of exporting the users’ mailboxes to PST’s?
If not, are there any plans to incorporate this feature into the plugin, or do you know IF its even do-able?
Thanks again buddy!
Hey there – Having trouble getting the masterminer script to show up. I’ve added the plugin and restarted the DB/the server itself. I have the PS stuff installed on our 2008r2 host and I can see it in the search results/group. However when I try to add the script the group as a scheduled script (or search for the script elsewhere) I cannot seem to find it. Any advice would be much appreciated!
Having issue with creating a new group error from Office 365 states the HIdeGlobalAddress list is not recognized.
Hey guys, thanks for posting this plugin, looks awesome. Does it support LabTech 10.5? We’re on that and I was able to import the scripts etc, but when I try to import the plugin via Plugin Manager I get the message “There was an error uploading the new plugin”. Suggestions?
I have been looking to use this plugin for quite some time, and finally had the opportunity to do so. I have followed the instructions but I have obviously misunderstood somewhere down the line, as I do not see the “Tab”.
Would appreciate some support on this, eager to get it running.
We have support for this plugin at Post your issues there with any images and logs and we will get you some help.
Great plugin. Is there a way we can script the output of licences used V’s active and have a monitor alert on the result?
Not sure if you have already fixed this issue or not but I have had a couple of problems with your powershell scripts for this plugin.
Firstly when you are pulling in the user data with Get-MsolUser if there are a lot of users you need to provide the -All parameter otherwise it will return nothing.
Secondly you need to escape the apostrophe characters on all the fields before you construct the SQL strings, Like this:
$strUserPrincipalName = $objUser.UserPrincipalName -replace “‘”,”””
Cubert, I have this setup and working and am wanting to know if you have any advice for using the information pulled to fill out/create contact records. Basically I want to place the email address of an o365 account into a matching LT contact if found. Also if no contact found, I’d like to have that contact created using the information from the plugin and mark the contact as a managed contact (presumes LT AD plugin in use).
Will this be compatible with LT11 that being release soon?
I have installed the latest version and have been trying to get this to work.
For some reason the system will not pull in any data.
I followed your Youtube video regarding the install and set up and still have not been able to get this to pull any data.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
The help forums and setup guide is here
Post your issues with screenshots and logs of what was done and we will assist you in getting the plugin up and running.