Kaseya Agent Procedure – FTP Remote Client Backup Script

On May 4, 2011, in How-to, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Backup Windows Systems to a FTP Server

Download: -> Kaseya FTP Backups

So you have Kaseya clients out on the wire that need some level of backup but are not near a NAS or USB Drive. Have thoes clients backup to a FTP server by using WinSCP and a Kaseya Script to do the job for you.

This script has several peices and can be customized for what ever need you have. I currently have the script setup in 3 files.

File #1 (WinSCP_Backup.bat) This is executed by the Kaseya script and passed 2 variables. The variables are the name of the local folder and the name of the remote folder you want to sync.


c\temp\WinSCP_backup.bat userA FTPdirA >> c\temp\backup.log

We call the BAT file passing “userA” and “FTPDira” this could be the users name for their home directory and the remote directory which could be any folder on your ftp minus the first “/”

File #2 (WinSCP_backup.txt) This file tells WinSCP how to connect to your FTP server and what root directories to start looking in for the folder names provided above. You need to edit this file adding your FTP server information, username and password for FTP if needed.

File #3 is WinSCP.exe, This is a freely available FTP and SCP client for windows that is very configurable and has CLI functions.

This set of scripts in it’s current form will allow you to sync the local systems users home directories to a remote FTP server.

Sync is currently one direction as shown below. But you can sync any way you want.
c:\Documents and Settings\username  -> ftp://ftp.domainname.com/foldername


Cubert  😎

Scripts to be used at your own descression, no warranty is implied.

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2 Responses to “Kaseya Agent Procedure – FTP Remote Client Backup Script”

  1. Ben Lynch says:

    This is a great option and one that I think would really work. Would you recommend doing it for all accounts? We have had a heck of a time getting the remote backup to successfully work.

  2. This script was built to help keep user documents and profile information safe. It is not as good as a deployed service but when you have offsite people there is not alot you can do. There are also some good services out there like eSilo or myPCBackup.com and many more. You may want to get inside script and tweak it to your needs .

    Have fun with it and post back your successes, Keep your failures… Smiles


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