The configuration information of the performance library “C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfts.dll” for the “TermService” service does not match the trusted performance library information stored in the registry. The functions in this library will not be treated as trusted.
This problem occurs when the size and the date of the Perfts.dll file in Windows Server 2003 SP2 dose not match the size and the date of the entry stored earlier in the registry Continue reading
If your having an issue getting RDP client on Vist to connect to a 2003/2008 TS server you may be having issues with Vista TCP auto tuning.
To disable Vista Auto Tunning
run as an admin from cmd prompt:
netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled
Then try your session again Continue reading
CSVDE Imports user accounts into Active Directory
CSVDE is the type of program that you learn for a specific task and then forget about. Therefore, what you need are a few tried and tested examples to get started. The classic job for CSVDE is to import user accounts into a Windows domain. We often use CSVDE to create users on a test network, our main use for CSVDE is to research Continue reading
Although GPO can manage this setting, by default it is off. To get your Windows 7 systems to allow domain user login using biometrics (fingerprint) support follow the directions below.
Adding Domain log on access for Biometrics
Goto -> Control Panel ->All Control Panel Items ->Biometric Devices
Select: Change Biometric Settings
Select both:
Allow users to log on to Windowsd using their fingerprints
Allow users to log on Continue reading
Use BBWin to Monitor Your MySql Server
This little script allows you to quickly test your MySql server using BBWin .
It connects to MySql and queries SHOW STATUS from your server and returns the Stats.
[caption id="attachment_286" align="alignright" width="80" caption=""][/caption]
The script will alert if connection fails or records not returned.
You will need Continue reading
How to get the hostname and the domain name from FQDN in PHP
This sound easy right? So easy that you would think it would be all over the internet as an example on how to parse host names from domain names. Wrong…. I spent a hour one day looking everywhere and all I found was parsing a URL. Well my needs go deeper I need to do a Continue reading
AOF adds VBScript created for BBWin External testing to it’s library
Microsoft Networking Information Overload
What a name! The MOAB of network information this jewel of a script dumps out all sorts of good information to have at your finger tips.
In this version there is only one status of green so you Continue reading
I’ve created 2 new VB scripts to use with AOF and BBWin’s External test functions. These scripts were tested on BBwin 0.12 and AOF Beta and work great!
[RePing] Ping multiple internal host addresses
Provides the ability to ping multiple host behind a firewall or other device, Great is you need to test to see if a Wireless AP is up or if a network printer is Continue reading
Pagination with a timestamp as the center value
We provide a way to scroll page to page of data and show the time stamp of when the data was collected as part of the page navigations.
Here we setup the first query and findout how many pages we have.
$sql = “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table where name = ‘” . $name . “‘ and type = ‘” Continue reading
Sometimes you find that it requires a little looping to get data from a form when using PHP and Multiple select list boxes. Here is a quick and easy way to loop through select data sent from a form in html. We also show you here how to use a Array of data to create the options. This is great if your doing a database query and need to use Continue reading