Get Encrypted – ConnectWise Automate Bitlocker Plugin To The Rescue

On October 26, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)
Promo good thru 12/1/2021

Plugins4Automate released a new plugin that allows MSPs to manage BitLocker across the environment. this plugin is for ConnectWise Automate 2020+ on=prem and hosted platforms.

Plugins4Automate has released a new plugin to mange BitLocker across all your clients.

What once was hard is now easy pesy!

Come take a quick read on how we can help manage all the BitLocker data and provide… Continue reading


New Active Directory UC plugin For Automate

On October 16, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

If you use ConnectWise Automate, then having access to your client’s Active Directory at your finger tips is critical to saving time and energy managing their environments. Our plugin is designed to provide you with the same tools you would have available if you were actually on the domain controller.  

This month we are giving away a month (1) subscription to this plugin so you can give… Continue reading


Get A Free Office365 for Automate Demo

On October 4, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Get a free month just to try it out and see all how it works.

Use promo code “FREE365ME” to get the first month free but hurry the promo expires November 1st.

See the plugin here. … r-automate


Habitat For Automate – Major Build Release Makes Debut!

On October 4, 2021, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

October 02, 2021 • 3rd party Application management for ConnectWise Automate • Add functionality to ConnectWise Automate • Habitat toolbox for Automate releases a mega build.

Habitat for ConnectWise Automate launches the next major release of Habitat. After 2 years and a lot of additions of tools and services, Habitat has reached a milestone. Habitat is bumping up the primary build number to 1.0.1.x. Want to know what they… Continue reading