Get More out of ConnectWise Automate is the largest supplier of free and subscription addons to ConnectWise Automate. Come take some of our plugins for a test drive, You will be glad you did!
- ADMON Admin Group Monitor Plugin
- Agent Status Plugin
- Announce Maintenance Plugin
- App Genie
- Chocolatey for Automate Plugin
- Chocolatey for LabTech Package Manager Plugin
- CCleaner for LabTech
- ESX Health Monitor CIM Monitor plugin
- Expiry the AD Password Expiration Notifier
- FileHog Storage Analyzer
- GhostFile HostFile Manager Plugin
- Habitat for ConnectWise Automate
- Linux Update Manager for CW Automate
- Mapped Drives Plugin
- Net Detective TCPDump and NMAP Plugin for LabTech
- NUT (Network Utilization Testing) Plugin
- Office365 User Manager
- Patch Remedy for LabTech
- PowerShell Plugin
- Printer Status Plugin
- RegHog Window Registry Search Plugin
- SQL Query Analyzer
- Stalled Agent Detector
- SurfLog Web History Plugin