SurfLog – A Browser Metrics Plugin for LabTech

On December 11, 2015, in Projects, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

Websense, Inc. the makers of a leading Internet management solutions announced that “Internet misuse in the workplace costs American corporations more than $178 billion annually in lost productivity, this translates into a loss of more than $5,000 per employee per year.”


Squidworks wants to help companies regain a hold of some of this lost time and revenue. They have released SurfLog version 1.1.1 out to the public today after months of work updating and streamlining the plugin. A new site has been launched with this new version to help support and promote the use of SurfLog in LabTech environments.


Some of the new features include plugin permissions, improved graphs and charts, admin controlled collection schedules and much more. Now built and ready for LabTech 10.5 and Cloud hosted platforms so every MSP using LabTech can take advantage of this great tool.


Get the Metrics



Metrics provide a insight into mass amounts of data making it easy to understand the ebb and flow of the clients users browsing patterns. Compare information on browser types, surfing volumes at different times of the day and user patters as the compare to other users under that client.


Raw History


When you need the raw data, it is available to you. You can export this data out to Excel for use in any number of 3rd party programs or to provide to human resources.


How do I get it?


Visit Http:// for more information and to download a copy to try for yourself.

1 Response » to “SurfLog – A Browser Metrics Plugin for LabTech”

  1. Shaun says:

    Any chance of saving this data to another database other then the labtech one?

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