LabTech Plugin – SQL Query Analyzer

On April 29, 2015, in Projects, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

   Lets Query SQLsql_query-128




So you think your a SQL ninja? Well here is your sword!

The new SQL Query Analyzer for LabTech allows you to run SQL queries against the LabTech database directly from your LabTech control center consoles. This allows LabTech Cloud MSPs to directly query their SQL instances without the need for… Continue reading


LabTech Scripts – Cryptolocker probe script finds infections fast

On April 16, 2015, in How-to, Scripting, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)




Catch Cryptolocker in the act

We have created a script for LabTech that you can schedule against any system to scan for possible Cryptolocker Decrypt Files, a sure sign that you been infected.


The script can be scheduled against all agents and if an agent is a Mac or Linux it will skip it… Continue reading

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