I had an odd issue with a new client I had taken over from a previous MSP where after we onboarded the client Labtech showed systems as fully patched but when we scanned system using Windows update they returned with 60+ updates or more. We would then re run the inventory update and would still get all patches up to date. We noticed that the list of patches that were returned did not cover all approved patches. After some investigation we discovered that the previous MSP was using a 3rd party WSUS server and had set the server information in the registry.   If the following Keys are present then you may also be seeing similar problems.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate:WUServer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate:WUStatusServer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdateAU:UseWUServer

Here is a Labtech script to clear out the settings and to allow you patch inventory command fetch the correct patches for your system. Execute script against each system that has been configured for a different WSUS server. Once script has completed then execute a hotfix update command from your inventory menu and wait for it to populate with the correct settings.


Download Script WSUS Settings Removal


Enjoy Cubert 😎

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1 Response » to “[LabTech] Patches not showing accurately for systems after onboarding with Ignite”

  1. Jonny Davey says:

    Does this script just clear out the WSUS keys?

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