Exchange 2007-> Adding and/or Deleting Holidays to and from All User Calendars

On January 7, 2011, in How-to, by Cubert aka (Cube Dweller)

You can  customize the Outlook holiday file to include your own holiday information. You might choose to do this if a particular local holiday is not included in the Outlook file and you want to deploy new holiday information to a large group of people (if you just want to do this for yourself, it’s probably easier to just add events directly to your calendar).

You can open the holiday file, usually located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office<Ver>\<LCID>\Outlook.hol, to edit which holidays are added to your calendar when you import holidays. For example, if you are using a US English version of Outlook 2007, you would usually find your holiday file at C:\Program files\Microsoft Office\Office12\1033\Outlook.hol. If you don’t know the LCID of your language, look for a folder under the Office12 folder that only has a numerical name, that’s probably the right one.

Note: You need to be a local administrator on the computer to edit the holiday file.

After you have the file open, you’ll find a listing of holidays for several different locations. Each location’s holidays start with a header, that includes the location name inside square brackets, and the number of holidays listed for that location. For example, for the United States you might see a header like this:

[United States] 168

If you add additional holidays to the file, make sure to increment the number or some holidays will be missed.

Each line inside a section represents a specific instance of a holiday. For example, the section for holidays in the United States contains a line like this:

Groundhog Day,2008/2/2

This line includes the holiday name (Groundhog Day), then a comma, and then the date the holiday occurs in the format year/month/day. To add your own holidays to the calendar, just add new lines to the bottom of the file in the same format, save the file, and then import your location’s holidays.

If you decide to edit the holiday file to add your own holidays, consider adding them as a brand new location instead of adding them to an existing location. This way you can choose to import only the new holidays without creating duplicates of the existing holidays you have previously added. For example, if you wanted to create a listing of all your associates birthdays, you could add a listing like this to the end of the file:

[Birthdays] 3
Ryan’s Birthday,2008/1/1
Ryan’s Birthday,2009/1/1
Ryan’s Birthday,2010/1/1

After you have finished editing the holidays file, remember to keep a back up. Because the file is installed with Outlook, it can be modified or replaced with the original if you install an update or upgrade to a newer version.

Outlook Command line switches:

Switch Description Works in
/a path:\<filename> Creates an item with the specified file as an attachment. Example:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Outlook.exe" /a "C:\My Documents\labels.doc"
If no item type is specified, IPM.Note is assumed. Cannot be used with message classes that aren’t based on Outlook.
2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/altvba <otmfilename> Opens the VBA program specified in otmfilename, rather than %appdata%\Microsoft\Outlook\VbaProject.OTM. 2003, 2007, 2010
/autorun macroname Opens Outlook and immediately runs the macro specified in macroname.
(no longer supported after Outlook 2003 SP2)
/c <messageclass>
Creates a new item of the specified message class (Outlook forms or any other valid MAPI form).Examples:
  • /c ipm.activity creates a Journal entry
  • /c ipm.appointment creates an appointment
  • /c creates a contact
  • /c ipm.note creates an e-mail message
  • /c ipm.stickynote creates a note
  • /c ipm.task creates a task
2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/checkclient Prompts for the default manager of e-mail, news, and contacts. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanautocompletecache Removes all names and e-mail addresses from the AutoComplete list. 2010
/cleancategories Deletes any custom category names that you have created. Restores categories to the default names. 2007, 2010
/cleanclientrules Starts Outlook and deletes client-based rules. 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanconvongoingactions Deletes the Conversations Actions Table (CAT). CAT entries for a conversation thread usually expire 30 days after no activity. The command-line switch clears all conversation tagging, ignore, and moving rules immediately stopping any additional actions. 2010
/cleandmrecords Deletes the logging records saved when a manager or a delegate declines a meeting. 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanfinders Removes Search Folders from the Microsoft Exchange server store. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanfreebusy Clears and regenerates free/busy information. This switch can only be used when you are able to connect to your Microsoft Exchange server. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanfromaddress Removes all manually added From entries from the profile. 2010
/cleanips Restores receival of new messages in Exchange Cached mode (KB968773) 2007, 2010
/cleanprofile Removes invalid profile keys and recreates default registry keys where applicable. 2003, 2007
/cleanpst Launches Outlook with a clean Personal Folders file (.pst) 2003
/cleanreminders Clears and regenerates reminders. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanroamedprefs All previous roamed preferences are deleted and copied again from the local settings on the computer where this switch is used. This includes the roaming settings for reminders, free/busy grid, working hours, calendar publishing, and RSS rules. 2007, 2010
/cleanrules Starts Outlook and deletes client- and server-based rules. 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanschedplus Deletes all Schedule+ data (free/busy, permissions, and .cal file) from the server and enables the free/busy information from the Outlook Calendar to be used and viewed by all Schedule+ 1.0 users. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003
/cleanserverrules Starts Outlook and deletes server-based rules. 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleansharing Removes all RSS, Internet Calendar, and SharePoint subscriptions from Account Settings, but leaves all the previously downloaded content on your computer. This is useful if you cannot delete one of these subscriptions within Outlook 2010. 2010
/cleansniff Deletes duplicate reminder messages. 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleansubscriptions Deletes the subscription messages and properties for subscription features. 2003, 2007, 2010
/cleanviews Restores default views. All custom views you created are lost. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/designer Starts Outlook without figuring out if Outlook should be the default client in the first run. 2003
/embedding <msgfilename> Opens the specified message file (.msg) as an OLE embedding. Also used without command-line parameters for standard OLE co-create. 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/explorer Opens the new window in “explorer” mode (link bar on). 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/f <msgfilename> Opens the specified message file (.msg) or Microsoft Office saved search (.oss).
(Support for oss-files has been dropped since Outlook 2003 SP2 due to security restrictions)
2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/finder Opens the Advanced Find dialog box. 2007, 2010
/firstrun Starts Outlook as if it were run for the first time. 2003, 2007
/folder Opens a new window in “folder” mode (Navigation Pane off). 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/hol <holfilename.hol> Opens the specified .hol file. 2003, 2007, 2010
/ical <icsfilename> Opens the specified .ics file. 2003, 2007, 2010
/importprf path:\<filename.prf> Launches Outlook and opens/imports the defined MAPI profile (*.prf). If Outlook is already open, queues the profile to be imported on the next clean launch. 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/l <olkfilename> Opens the specified .olk file. 2003
/launchtraininghelp assetid Opens a Help window with the Help topic specified in assetid. 2003, 2007, 2010
/m emailname Provides a way for the user to add an e-mail name to the item. Only works in conjunction with the /c command-line parameter.
Outlook.exe /c ipm.note /m emailname
2003, 2007, 2010
/nocustomize Starts Outlook without loading outcmd.dat (customized toolbars) and *.fav file. 2003, 2007
/noextensions Starts Outlook with extensions turned off, but listed in the Add-In Manager. 2003, 2007
/nopollmail Starts Outlook without checking mail at startup. 2003
/nopreview Starts Outlook with the Reading Pane off and removes the option from the View menu. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/p <msgfilename> Prints the specified message (.msg).
Prior to Outlook 2007, this does not work with HTML messages.
2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/profile <profilename> Loads the specified profile. If your profile name contains a space, enclose the profile name in quotation marks (“). 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/profiles Opens the Choose Profile dialog box regardless of the Options setting on the Tools menu. 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/recycle Starts Outlook using an existing Outlook window, if one exists. Used in combination with /explorer or /folder. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/regserver Rewrites all Outlook specific registry keys and re-associates file extensions without having to reinstall Outlook or run setup with the /y switch. The settings are stored in the Outlook.srg file located in the same folder as the Outlook program. 2000, 2002/XP
/remigratecategories Starts Outlook and and initiates the following commands on the default mailbox:

  • Upgrades colored For Follow Up flags to Office Outlook 2007 color categories.
  • Upgrades calendar labels to Office Outlook 2007 color categories.
  • Adds all categories used on non-mail items into the Master Category List.

Note: This is the same command as Upgrade to Color Categories in each Outlook mailbox properties dialog box.

2007, 2010
/remigrateconversations 2010
/resetfoldernames Resets default folder names (such as Inbox or Sent Items) to default names in the current Office user interface language.For example, if you first connect to your mailbox Outlook using a Russian user interface, the Russian default folder names cannot be renamed. To change the default folder names to another language such as Japanese or English, you can use this switch to reset the default folder names after changing the user interface language or installing a different language version of Outlook. 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/resetfolders Restores missing folders for the default delivery location. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/resetformregions Empties the form regions cache and reloads the form region definitions from the Windows registry. 2007, 2010
/resetoutlookbar Rebuilds the Outlook Bar. 2000, 2002/XP
/resetnavpane Clears and regenerates the Navigation Pane for the current profile. 2003, 2007, 2010
/resetquicksteps Restores the default Quick Steps. All user-created Quick Steps are deleted. 2010
/resetsearchcriteria Resets all Instant Search criteria so that the default set of criteria is shown in each module. 2007, 2010
/resetsharedfolders Removes all shared folders from the Navigation Pane. 2007, 2010
/resettodobar Clears and regenerates the To-Do Bar task list for the current profile. The To-Do Bar search folder is deleted and re-created. 2007, 2010
/restore Attempts to open the same profile and folders that were open prior to an abnormal Outlook shutdown. 2010
/rpcdiag Opens Outlook and displays the remote procedure call (RPC) connection status dialog. 2003, 2007, 2010
/s <filename> Loads the specified shortcuts file (.fav). 2002/XP, 2003
/safe Starts Outlook without extensions, Reading Pane, or toolbar customization. 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/safe:1 Starts Outlook with the Reading Pane off. 2003, 2007, 2010
/safe:2 Starts Outlook without checking mail at startup. 2003
/safe:3 Starts Outlook with extensions turned off, but listed in the Add-In Manager. 2003, 2007, 2010
/safe:4 Starts Outlook without loading Outcmd.dat (customized toolbars) and *.fav file. 2003, 2007
/select foldername Starts Outlook and opens the specified folder in a new window. For example, to open Outlook and display the default calendar use:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Outlook.exe" /select outlook:calendar
2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
/share feed://URL/filename
/share stssync://URL
share web://URL/filename
Specifies a sharing URL to connect to Outlook. For example, use stssync://URL to connect a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 list to Outlook. 2007, 2010
/sniff Starts Outlook and forces a detection of new meeting requests in the Inbox, and then adds them to the calendar. 2003, 2007, 2010
/t <oftfilename> Opens the specified .oft file. 2003, 2007, 2010
/unregserver Deletes all registry keys and file associations for Outlook. Its actions are based on the Outlook.srg file located in the same folder as the Outlook application. Use the /regserver switch to rewrite the registry keys and file associations after using this switch. 2000, 2002/XP
/v <vcffilename> Opens the specified .vcf file. 2003, 2007, 2010
/vcal <vcsfilename> Opens the specified .vcs file. 2003, 2007, 2010
/x <xnkfilename> Opens the specified .xnk file. 2003, 2007
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